Friday, February 7, 2014

Finally Friday!

We have been waiting all week for the weekend and it's finally here! Now to look forward to a weekend of house work, making valentines for the kids, and dance - even a performance for Miss E at the PSU game on Saturday.

Now for the daily pics.  These are brought to you buy chocolate faces (Mr. E) and Loom Bands (Miss. E). I also made a pallet of blankets in the front room and let the kids lay in there this evening before bed.  Miss. E tried to get a photo with with little brother but he wouldn't have that!

Now back to watching the Sochi Olympics.  How about those sweaters the US is wearing?  Very unique I must say.  What do you think?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First night picking up the camera in a long time.  I decided to pick back up my 365 photo of the day project I did a couple years ago, so it will probably take me awhile to get back into creative photography.  Tonight was a pretty uneventful night, Ethan playing a little DS and Ellie doing homework and then deciding to do some reference look up in the phone book (where do kids come up with these ideas??).

Hoping to get some more fun pictures this weekend!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance and Spiderman Pancakes

Saturday night I let the kids stay up WAY too late. So when bedtime did come they were both delirious and ready to sleep. Ellie had picked out the bedtime story and we read it quick. Then it was time for prayers which Ellie said she wanted to add something special after "Amen", so said "okay". We did our prayers (Ethan likes to add fun things like "God bless the door, and the light, and Buzz Lightyear, and the Cat, etc...I think it is a way to procrastinate), and then Ellie added her special ending, which happened to be the Pledge of Allegiance. She made us all put our hands on our hearts and do the pledge. It was kinda humorous, but wonderful that she thinks things like that are so important to say and that we should be blessed for our country. I love my kids, and I love that they were out like a light last night :)

Sunday morning we chose to sleep in late, which was fine with me because my back was hurting and I didn't want to mess with getting tired kids up and around early. Of course, late at our house is like 8am if we are lucky. Since we didn't have anywhere to be (we skipped church, sorry!), I decided to make "special pancakes". Ellie requested that I spell her name out and give her a peace sign heart. Sure thing, master chef Tara can do that! I didn't ask Ethan because I wanted to surprise him. I made him Spiderman pancakes! How cool am I?!?! I didn't think they would turn out very good, and there were a few "duds" before the ones on the plate came out, but all in all I was pretty impressed with myself. Both kids were happy and they ate some more regular pancakes later, but the Spiderman/Name pancakes tasted the best :)

Now what does the Pledge of Allegiance and Spiderman Pancakes have in common? Well to our family that is just another weekend, to me personally it is one of the many joys of having my kids.